Your privacy is our priority.
BAKEL will use your personal data to provide you with an analysis of your skin and to recommend a personalized skincare routine. Don't worry: your photo will be used exclusively to create the report relating to the state of your skin and will be deleted immediately afterwards. Use of this service is subject to the conditions set out in our Privacy Policy. A minimum age of 18 is required to use this service.

Click here to consult the"Extended Information".



The digital scan of the face allows you to obtain a score relating to the state of your skin for each of the 4 most common skin concerns:


Click on the colored circle in which you obtained the lowest score to discover the skincare routine best suited to the most relevant concern of your skin.

Also discover the other combinations useful to counteract the secondary concerns of your skin by clicking on the remaining colored circles.
2025 ©Bakel S.p.A. - Tutti i diritti sono riservati - Isc. Reg. Imprese di Udine - PI 02060980303 - REA 232523 - Capitale sociale €100.000 iv